That was the day that my baby sister, Valda was born. Which by the way made me the MIDDLE CHILD!!. But it turned out Okay. This picture is of her first birthday. I'm on the left, and our older sister, Rita is on her right. Happy, Happy Birthday Dear Valda.
I also need to post
Pat's Challenge. This is not Valda's birthday card, she looks at my blog, therefore I had better not post it or her gift yet. Pat suggested that we try something NEW for the first challenge of 2010. I have to confess, I have another obsession, that I have not shared with you. I love pretty paper napkins. I have bunches. But I do not use them, I know that is awful, but I always think I'll need them for something special someday and I won't have them. So you gals that know me, make sure that if something happens to me you are suppose to have a big party, and Please use the pretty paper napkins. ;). I did break into one of the packages for this challenge. I had to use 3 of them (faint) to get the effect I wanted. I saw on a blog where they used your basic plastic wrap to seal 1 ply of the napkin to card stock. Just separate the plys, then position the napkin on top of a piece of card stock that you have put a piece of plastic wrap on top of. Cover with some old papers or the such, and iron, using medium heat, till the design is adhered to the card stock. I then cut some different layers out of the other two napkins, to give the design some depth. Attached a ribbon, and I was good to go.

Another picture I want to share tonight is one of what my DH did special for me today. This is a pic of MY basic food groups. He went to an indoor farmers market, and brought me back some of my favorite, fresh veggies and a special little treat. Chocolate covered almonds. I guess I'll keep him. *wink*