Monday, May 12, 2008


The weekend is definitely over. Monday is here in all it's fury.

I hope everyone had a special day yesterday. We went to the mountains where my mother lives and spent the afternoon with her and the rest of my family and of course ate way to much food. We had all kinds of weather yesterday, clouds, sunshine, thunder, lightning, rain and even hail.

Saturday evening they celebrated my niece's birthday. I was unable to go but took her gift with me on Sunday. They are faithful supporters of ASU, "Applaachian State University". She lives and breathes for ASU. I didn't have a more casual picture, so used this one, and will them to replace it with one of them at a ballgame or something. Yes you heard me right, will tell them. They didn't come to the family yesterday . I left it with my sister to give them, so I hope she enjoys it. Hoping everyone's Monday goes smooth.


Anonymous said...

yes its monday again, time is flying by. as my mother said the older you get the faster it goes, sounds like a great mothers day. very nice picture of a happy couple.*

Anonymous said...

What a neat idea!! Very cute!